Barrenness is a great concern to couples especially if they have been married for five to six years without an issue.
The prayers of parents of the couple is to have their grand children after wedding of their own children but when unexpected happens ,it normally gives concern to the families of the couples.
Gonorrhoea or staphylococcus is the major sickness that causes barrenness.
Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted diseases causing discharge from the urethra or vagina.In some cases ,it makes it difficult for men to urinate easily.
Old gonorrhoea is called staphylococcus.If a man have either gonorrhoea or the stubborn disease called staphylococcus,he will not be able to impregnate a woman because such a man will have low sperm count.
No amount of medication ,the man uses that will boost his sperm count unless treatment for gonorrhoea is first done.
Watery sperm or low sperm count will be a forgotten issue once the man can cure gonorrhoea or staphlococus because it is the disease that normally eat the sperm.
If a man is having a low sperm or nil sperm ,he must have been suffering from the disease called gonorrhoea or staphylococcus before.
I decide to leak the secrets concerning treatment of gonnorhoea because of the ignorance of some men who normally shift blame of barrenness on women alone .Not knowing that some men are also guilty in the case of barrenness.
Try to get three melon fruits( Egusi baara) . Peel the outer cover and throw away the seeds to get the real fleshy fruit.
Then get plenty of creeping plant leaves ( yoruba people call it ewe ejinrin tutu) pound them together and sieve it to remove their water.
Then mix the water you collect from them with a half bottle of original honey.
Couples should use this medicine because both have been affected with the disease as it is known to be a spread disease.
Three tablespoon is to be taken early in the morning or in the night before going to bed.
If it makes you to excrete too much then you can be drinking it at three days interval.use it continously till you overcome the problem.
These prescriptions were used by our fore fathers and it worked for them but i will advise everybody to consult their medical doctors to diagnose them before using this traditional method.
And also to consult medical doctors after three days if there is no improvement.
If you like this secrets , please subscribe to my YouTube channel- “Baba Oloyin Original Television” to get updated when i post on the uses of honey.
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